Cubitt Wall

Commissioner: Argent
Location: Lewis Cubitt Square, King’s Cross London UK
Status: Completed March 2015
Photography: John Sturrock and miriamandtom

Cubitt Wall is a temporary sculpture at Cubitt Square, a new public space built at King’s Cross London. It is 150m long undulating surface, which dips and rises to create an arresting backdrop to an urban environment in development.

The traditional position of a construction wall is defensive. Cubitt Wall challenges this attitude by setting a visual language, which enables a new typology of public space, encouraging the public to freely interpret, inhabit and occupy it.

Cubitt Wall is the first manifestation of an ongoing project by miriamandtom addressing how the public realm is effected by large scale redevelopment programmes and why creative temporary interventions are essential to initiate dialogue between those who develop our cities and those who live and work in them.

Staying honest to its purpose, Cubitt Wall was built using standard hoarding construction techniques and materials.

The wall is intended to be in place for six years. To date, it has been used as an open air gallery, cinema, performance space, football goal and the setting for other organised and impromptu activities.

© miriamandtom